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Who are we?

We are residents of Bloomington, Richfield, and Minneapolis, MN. We elect DFL-endorsed candidates, and we have fun while we do it! We work together to advocate for progressive causes for the common good and embrace everyone in the community. We identify, develop, and support local DFL volunteers, leaders, and candidates.



Chair: Max Collins

Vice Chair: Em Antin

Secretary: Larry Nelson

Technology: Daniel Nordquist

Treasurer: Scott Dahlquist

Outreach: Loretta Arradondo

Our Directors

Directors in a Minnesota DFL senate district organizing unit shoulder the crucial responsibility of guiding and leading the local party's activities and initiatives. As key decision-makers, directors are accountable for ensuring that the district's organizing efforts align with the principles and objectives of the DFL. SD51 directors are required to attend central committee meetings, and are allowed to vote on unit business.

Learn more about becoming a director by attending central committee meetings and contacting our chair.


Our Mission

SD51 DFL is the local organizing committee of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) party that supports the cities of Richfield and Bloomington.

As members of the DFL and as a district, we are respectful, inclusive, creative, and diverse. We welcome active participation by anyone who wishes to advance the priorities of our organization and to stand up for our shared values.

Our Mission is to build grassroots community engagement that elects DFL candidates to public office, advances progressive ideas that improve people’s lives, and encourages participation in our government by all the members of our district.



1) Elect and Re-elect DFL Candidates

a. Volunteer on campaigns
b.   Provide financial support for DFL-Endorsed Candidates
c.   Help other Senate Districts and our Congressional Districts

2) Embody Diversity in Membership

a.   Encourage participation from people from all walks of life
b.   Activate a variety of people to do a variety of things

3) Fiscally Responsible

a.  Create and manage a budget and a fundraising goal for each year
b.  Complete two reports per year with all funds received and spent
c.   Support an independent audit committee per bylaws to review records
d.  Secure a positive base balance to begin each year

4) Revitalize and strengthen Precincts

a.   Ensure active participation from precinct chairs and vice chairs
b.   Provide training and education for precinct chairs and vice chairs
c.   Support community outreach through precincts

5) Broad Range Communication Process

a.   Maintain website, email and mailing lists, social media, and events calendar
b.   Provide regular updates and liaise with CD 03 and CD 05
c.   Activate SD51 group communications

6) Relevant Presence in Our Community

a.   Local focus and engagement
b.   Representation at city and commission meetings
c.   Events focused on service and support for progressive values

7) Identify, develop and support potential candidates and leaders in our community to represent us at all levels

a.   Local governing boards (including school board, other non-partisan races)
b.   City offices
c.   State DFL