SD50 2019 Convention a Rousing Success


In record time, and ahead of threatening snowstorms, SD50 completed the business of electing new officers and passing needed constitutional changes — all with enough time remaining to celebrate at a nearby restaurant and STILL make it home ahead of the snow.

Left to right: Lona Dallessandro, Brandt Krueger, John Servais, Dani Indovino Cawley, Donovon Indovino Cawley

Left to right: Lona Dallessandro, Brandt Krueger, John Servais, Dani Indovino Cawley, Donovon Indovino Cawley

Thanks to outbound officers Kate Peer, Tom Rubin, and Michelle McHugh Dowell. And thanks to John Servais and Dani Indovino Cawley who are serving another term.

A warm welcome to our new chair Lona Dallessandro, vice chair Brandt Krueger, and secretary Donavon Indovino Cawley
